Intresting idea, but let down by a short story mode which doesn't really take off. But worth a rent.

User Rating: 5.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
Well as I had some of my Christmas money left I went out a looked for a game. I came across this Blacksite in the sale in GAME. As I enjoyed the demo I thought it would be worth playing.

The game starts off in Iraq with you fighting terrorist but soon you find out there's something different when venturing into a bunker. After your first sighting of the mutated enemy it gets you ready for a great gaming experience, but this really doesn't happen. The story is a bit and piece storyline that doesn't really grab your attention as much as you expect it to. The enemies also come in waves and you always know where the next wave is coming from. The only thing that can catch you by suprise is the little exploding bugs but these are also easy to eliminate before they get to you.

The graphics in Blacksite are great and visually the game offers a lot. The character models, the surroundings, the enemy design and everything is great. The guns look great and everything has plenty of detail and the environments are destrucable which adds a lot to the visual side of combat. But then the graphics also cause big problems for the game as there is to many glitches that ruin the look of the game. Theres to many to list to be honest, but the main offenders are parts of the environments go missing like doors, the other noticalbe one is that your guns go through the environments so if you crouch behind cover your gun will go through it and considering this game uses a lot of the cover system for healing you see it to many times.

The sound on Blacksite is great and adds a lot to the game. The gun fire sounds realistic. The enemy groans and moans are clear. The voice acting is good and a strong point for the game. But unfortunatly the glitches dont stop at the graphics but also cross over onto the sound. There's plent of times the the sound jumps and also starts on the loading screen and then will start from the begining again once the loading screen has done.

The gameplay on Blacksite gets repetative as there is not a large range on weapons on offer so every fight just seems the same. The only difference is that you fight different types of enemies, but its not enough to shake the repetative feel.

The other bad thing about the game is that it has a short story line is not worth playing more than once, so it's not a game that you'll want to go back to. The lifespan of the game is also shortened by the lack of a decent multiplayer. It's hard to find a game thats actually full and then when you do get in the room the insane lag makes it short lived.

Overall the game is an intresting idea but it's spoilt by a short story mode that is full of glitches and a broken multiplayer experience. So if you want to play this game I'd advise renting it as you'll beat it in under 10 hours easily.