Not as advertised!

User Rating: 5.5 | Blacklight: Tango Down X360
I am going to start with what the game advertised itself to be. When looking at this game based on the developers words, it is a fast paced game because of the HUD. There is going to be people running all over the map because they want to get to were the action is and to find health packs and ammo! All of the guns are balanced and you can customize them in billions of ways. This game sounds awesome!

What you actually get is some good but mostly bad and contradictory to what they said.

The good
- Tons of customization. there is so much to customize you could spend hours looking at the guns.
- The maps are a good size and there is a lot of action when the lobby is full.
-Health stations and ammo crates are nice so you do not have to pick up a different weapon when you run out of ammo.

The bad...where to begin
-There are fixed spawn points-this means you know exactly where the other team is going to spawn every time so spawn trapping is easy.
-The span turrets designed to stop spawn camping are crazy good but ineffective. They will shoot at people they can not even see yet, but as long as you are far enough away spawn trapping still happens every game.
- The SMG is over powered badly. while it takes 2 or 3 shots to kill with the sniper rifle.
- The HUD is almost useless. You can not tell much about what is going on when you use it. Yes you can see where everyone is but not really.
-Every map there is the ability to fall off or get killed by the map. Makes you have to pay way too much attention to the map rather than the game.
-Grenades bounce like bouncy balls
Even with all those bad things stated above, this would be a fun game if ONE thing was changed...
People can not enter games that have already started. I am ranked about 20 and i have played in about 10 good games. When you join a lobby there might be 8 v 8 at most. But most of the time there is 4 v 4. Then the game starts and half way through you are down to 2 v 2 if you are lucky. I have played in one game where TDM has reached to point limit.

Over all the game is not terrible but not good. If not for the very slow game play and the 1 v 2 games that happen all the time, the game would be very good.

I gave it a 5.5 because of all of the small issues and the one huge issue.
OH and I did not even mention its a pain in the A&% to play with friends.
An alright deal for 1200 points but my time on this game will be limited.