Superbly detailed but like wading through treacle rather than dodgong for your life. This should have been an on-liner!

User Rating: 7.7 | Black PS2
Sorry about the obvious cliche but Black isn't the new black unfortunately.
The graphics are beautifully rendered and being limited to only two weapons at a time makes it more balanced than some games where the soldier would have been hard pushed to move considering the hardware he is expected to hump around. That said, one does sometimes have the impression that one is wading through treacle rather than running for ones life and turning seems like treading water, only less fluid.
On the positive side the detail is ...lovely, it is the only word one can use. Sometimes one stops to look round and once you have cleared an area it is worth doing so. The detail and colour is so rich that at times you can only see the enemy from the muzzle flashes, and when you start letting loose with whichever weapon (the shotgun is best here) you are holding and the room is blown to pieces with dust and debris flying in all directions then the love of wanton destruction in all shootem-uppers is well appeased.
This game would be class if it was longer, admittedly there is replay value, sometimes you accidentally leave the level before you are done and want to go in again just to recheck all the hidden corners.
If there was justice in the universe an add on would be issued to make this an on-line game.
If there was justice I would get paid for playing games and writing this stuff.