A good game at the beggining

User Rating: 5.3 | Black Dahlia PC
Black Dahlia has 8 CD´s, but only the first 4 are worthy of playing. It seems to me that take two interactive tried to extend a good story, but somehow lost itself during the development of the game. What started as a good thrill including unsolved murderer cases just lost all the glance due to a confusing ending. The graphs are pretty good, and also are the animes and texturing. You are able to interact with lots of objects, with a good rendering and finishing. The gameplay should not be a problem, since it´s very simple control your carachter by mouse. Use the device to look around, and walk trough the sceneries. The bottons are used to do actions, that change according to the situation. Sound is a very good issue, with all the effects and music in a 3D stereo environment. Sometimes the music becomes a little boring, but only if you get stucked on a level. Finally the puzzles: Some of then are really stupid, but others challenge your imagination, like the one with a key trapped inside a toy house.