Waiting for Dishonored

User Rating: 5 | Binary Domain PC
OMFG! LOTS of potential....great story..setting etc....but the execution....no wonder it was $10 on Steam. I'm not sure who play tested this game...but why have a random generated loot kiosk/gambling machine that give out useless items...how about credit for your next purchase instead? The voice recognition is...how do I put it....S.HITE!!!! How about your making a decision your team mates likes, you're at the mercy of whoever wrote the script...I could go on and on...really I could...but for what, not worth your time. Would I get this game again?...not if it was free...I'd rather spend the time farming on Diablo or some other game. Got time to spare? go somewhere else...the critics got it right ....trying to reach 800 characters for the review.....