poor mass effect copy sucks bad

User Rating: 1 | Binary Domain PC
This game wants to be a mass effect kind of masterpiece
it fails miserably

this game has the WORST control ever in a videogame
it's like te developers haven't even tested this piece of junk
you can't aim i mean really..NO AIMING
i have only played the pc version and it is PURE JUNK

storylinewise it is a big cliche with a hint of deus ex
robots bla bla robots same old crappy boss robots bla bla
i love futuristic sci fi games
ME2 is the best game ever created and it has a futuristic theme
BUT when it comes to poor exectution of a great theme Binary doimain takes the badge
Some missions are impossible without walkthrough because YOU ARE not told what to do (?)
Some missions are plain stupid
But most of them are plain BORING GAME play

it's not the story but THE CONTROL that makes this game worthy of a 1.0 horrendous score
with a normal control maybe a 3.5

i am disgusted how unprofessional some can be, to the extent of releasing an unplayable piece of junk
NEVER buy this game
NOT EVEN on a 1$ sale
remember: every dollar counts and Binary Domain isn't worth it