not the best game but fair

User Rating: 6.5 | Big Mutha Truckers XBOX
It's like they took a bunch of ideas and threw them together into this and realized there is not much game here so they couldn't charge full price.

Your task in the main gameplay mode is to basically cheaply buy items in one town that are reselling in another town for a higher price, and then drive there to sell it, and then repeat, repeat, repeat.... There is also an arcade type mode where you simply have dumb tasks to perform like running over 12 newspaper-machines before time runs out.

The driving is super-arcadey, so forget about thinking it's a truck driving sim.

But with all that said, I must admit it is a fun diversion for like 15 minutes at a time.

The graphics are ok, but they are really (REALLY!) primitive. The sounds are just ok. And at least you can skip all the cutscenes which are funny the first time you see them but annoying from then on.

So if you are looking for an merely adequate game that can be enjoyed in short 15 minute bursts, give this one a try, because it's an ok, easy to pick up, time-killer game for the bargain price of $20 or a rental.