It's no Heavy Rain but worth a play through

User Rating: 7 | Beyond: Two Souls PS3

Beyond: Two Souls is definitely no Heavy Rain, but it has a similar feel. You can play through the entire game couch co-op style with one person playing as Jodie and one as Aiden. I played through with my husband and it was a lot of fun because not many games allow for this. You definitely have to work together to move the plot forward but Jodie definitely does the majority of the work.

There are many quick time events, which I don't mind but some people absolutely hate. You get to make some meaningful choices that affect gameplay but most of them are just for fun. Obviously there is the incredible voice acting of Willem Defoe and Ellen Page which I really appreciated. It's good to know that video games are being put on the same level as other forms of media art like TV and movies.

You play through Jodie's life, but not in a linear fashion which makes it a little awkward at times. Sometimes it's hard to piece together what happened when. I believe the confusion is intended and is part of the point of the game - to piece together who Jodie is with or without Aiden. The ending really threw me for a loop as it's extremely cerebral. I'm not really sure I loved it but for me this game was all about the journey.