Not Anything special

User Rating: 3 | Beyond: Two Souls PS3

Its just not a game, its not a coherent or quality story, and it gives the illusion of choice while just shoehorning you into a linear story. Anyone looking for a game should really look elsewhere. Admittedly its not as dumb as Indigo Prophecy, but it doesn't reach the dog shit level we came to expect out of Heavy Rain's train wreck of an "interactive storytelling experience". A high budget which doesn't really go anywhere. That is not to say there aren't some cool visuals, *Spoiler* Jodie between life and death at the end looked cool, but again lacked any real substance. If you want a game that does choice, even the illusion of choice well then I recommend the Walking Dead by Telltale, as that has both interesting game play, and a story that doesn't shoot itself and die. Overall, Beyond Two Souls is not a game, and lacks the story complexity to avoid being horrendously predictable, play something else that isn't as pretentious or watch a movie if you dislike gameplay.