a must play for all gamers.

User Rating: 7 | Beyond: Two Souls PS3

Went in not knowing what to expect.This game does a fantastic job with main character's development.You feel the emotion and combined with the QTE's in Jody's adventures,you feel attached and you will care about the outcome of her story.Outcomes in choices are irreleavant in this game however taking away potential sadly.Walked away from this one thinking to myself,o why didn't they do this,or why didn't they just let us choose.For a game that's supposed to let us choose,it failed poorly.But the story is good.But it also has it's shortcomings.

The story changes paces a lot and keep you interested.Although the best parts are her younger years.he story turns much different when she's older which it must too tell an even better story which I won't say.Everything happened for a reason though and throughtout Jodie's life all will be explained.Like why is Aiden in Jodie's head to begin with.

This game can be finished in 1 day so there is no need to purchase it.But if you don't play it,you'll be mad at your self that you did not play it sooner.Games like this can be greatly approved upon and that gets me excited to see more games like this coming out since we are headed into next gen