Still One Of The Greatest Role Playing Games

User Rating: 9 | Beyond Oasis GEN
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Great game design and a well made story (even if it is simple) are what make a game test the stand of time. And Beyond Oasis definitely does that. To be honest, I have never actually played Beyond Oasis until recently (although I've always wanted to play it in the past, I just never got around to it). For a game that is almost 20 years old, it's amazing how rich and fun (as well as how accessible) Beyond Oasis still is. It was never too difficult, never too complicated and never was I not having a joy playing it.

The environments are surprisingly still rich and great in design (which is not always the case with games this old) the gameplay (sword fighting, collecting loot, fighting your way through dungeons and picking up every possible item while your at it) is a blast.

The score is also really good, it adds layers to the already great gameplay and warm, colorful and memorable settings.

There is also magic for you to use in the game. Which must be first acquired by defeating the boss at the end of the first two dungeons (known as the temples of the water and fire spirits) and then making your way to the spirit that lies within who will than bestow upon you their powers. There are a total of two sprits (one who is of water and the other who is of fire) that must be found in the world in order for the player to progress any further. These two helpful spirits will not only fight off any nearby enemies at your command by using their powers, they will also help you to reach areas that were previously blocked off. The player will use the water spirit to burn out fire and the fire spirit to break ice. Once these blocked off areas become accessible you'll be able to continue on your journey of saving your land (or island, which is were the game takes place).

Be careful not to use the spirit's powers too much, as you only have so much magic that fills your magic bar and because later in the game replenishing your magic bar will not come too often. So make sure to use your powers sparingly.

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My only complaint about Beyond Oasis is the fact that it's way too short. I finished the game in a 5 hour sitting. But if anything, at least it was short and VERY sweet instead of being long and feeling rather stretched out.

Overall, Beyond Oasis is an amazing game. The fact that after all these years it still manages to be a compelling and arresting experience only goes to show that when true passion and well made game design come hand in hand you get something that truly stands the test of time. I'd be very surprised if this game didn't hold up for another 20 years.

Verdict: 9/10