A superb game with awesome music and storyline but overshadowed by Prince Of Persia( also a great game)

User Rating: 9.4 | Beyond Good & Evil PC
As a reporter,going round to uncover conspiracies of the gorvenment is your job as you control Jade in Beyond Good And Evil,this game contains driving,a little flight simulation,stealth and action all into one. Great storylines are rare in games because players now mostly look for action and adventure,so Beyond Good And Evil is a rare find among games nowadays.Filled with twist and turns,you travel around Hillys to do stealth mission and even get to go to space,but you won't go alone,you have a partner,not like Ashley in RE4 who mostly gets you into more touble than compared to help,or Mayu in Fatal Frame,you don't get a damsel in distress,you get real useful sidekicks like Uncle Pey'j which is by the way a pig that is like a fatherly figure to Jade and Double H,a very reliable and loyal sidekickalthough they don't stick with you throughout the whole game,they can help relieve some annoyance when you get stuck or face a difficult challange because they are hillarious,serving as the games comic mischief.Fighting isn't always an option in the game instead it is stealth sneak up and kick the baddie and see the fly in the air,funny and also a little painful,The enviroment is beautifully done ,it isn;t very bright and happy but also isn't dull,it is just nice.Voiceover is great and comes in multiple languages but music is the one that deserves the most credit because it is very nicely put together and suits the gameplay just right.The downside is that the whole game is just too short but overall it is very fun and satisfying.