There's Bad, then there's really bad, then... there's beetlejuice bad.

User Rating: 1 | Beetlejuice NES
The age-old corollary of movie-based games: I liked the movie, so I got the game. The same applied to me one horrific day, as I bought Beetlejuice for the NES. I was expecting a platformer, naturally, and what did I get? Well, a platformer... from the firey depths of hell! This game makes me want to just die. Everything is wrong with it. The collision detection is nauseating, even the most basic enemies are impossible to hit without hurting yourself [mainly because your only means of attack is stomping with your foot about 2 pixels in front of you], the sprites are poorly made [at best], and you don't know what to do. Seriously, it's actually impossible to get past the first screen! And frankly, even if you could, I wouldn't want to torture myself with this game any longer than I am forced to. Please, for humanity's sake, if you see this game, destroy it. Get it out of existance so it won't inflict pain on anybody else. This is a warning. DO NOT PLAY BEETLEJUICE FOR THE NES!