Do you have the urge to just flatout mess someone up and if so this game is for you.

User Rating: 4 | Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance PS2
This game is like a twist between a ganster fighting arcade game with a RPG twist to it, like my favorite type of icecream! The gameplay is innovative, but not Ooooo sweet innovative. This game wants to be a great game, but there is just one thing stopping it, two things actually, the profanity just makes this game lose its luster and it gets very slow paced and repetative at times. The good aspects of the game are that you can recruite just about anybody, you can equip a variety a weapon through RPG like menus and you recrutied men can have different abilites like the ability to hot wire cars to get around town easily and pickpocket. This would be a good game, but you can go to all of the areas very quickly and it is just too repetative and easy.