An epic offering from the golden age of multiplayer gaming.

User Rating: 7.8 | Battlefield Vietnam PC
Want to combine every reference from every Vietnam movie you've ever seen into a frantic, often-hilarious video game? Good, because Electronic Arts did it for you. This sequel to Battlefield 1942 shares most of its combat characteristics with the earlier game, but adds more automatic weapons, mortars, aircraft and strange Vietnamese weapons like punji sticks. The gameplay as a whole is made more enjoyable by features like late-60s rock'n'roll which plays when you enter a vehicle. Fans of Full Metal Jacket will enjoy jumping in a helicopter or tank and hearing B-b-b-bird bird bird, bird is the word... as they move on to attack the enemy. Other excellent like-you-were-there touches include a hilarious Hanoi Helen sort of voice (with virtually no concept of proper English) on a loudspeaker system reminding "GI" that his people don't support him and he should come to his new Vietnam family which is waiting with open arms. Battles in the jungle are slightly ho-hum, as Battlefield matches often are. But the city battles are often very fun, including air support, armor and artillery, (plus scooters, don't forget little scooters to get around on) all within the confines of an urban area. Fans of FMJ should note that Hue, setting for the movie, is included in BVN.