after buying a new pc, i found this game to be so adictive that i cant stop playing it, awesomeness at its greatest. :)

User Rating: 9.4 | Battlefield Vietnam PC
it might be a 2004 game but in my opinion it holds up to the games out today........theres something about the jungle thats different from desserts and towns.....i cant get enough time daily on it. i play so much that in the morning i wake myself up speaking nam mumbow and doy sim loy...........all the battlefield games rock, i havnt played 2142 for my pc is only 1.8 ghz and a gig of ram and 256mb card...........i know id be disapointed if i did install it for battlefield2 barely i will wait to try it out and get that top of the line rig to do so. at first it might seem your better off on foot because when i first tried the heli's i would crash almost as soon as i took my best means of kills are in a huey or cobra....ive practised with a joystick(microsoft sidewinder pro) 2 weeks later i was flying under trees down the roads, getting kills left and right. i feel like im an asset to any team im on. sure ya die if theres two guys with rocket launchers and hit ya at the same time, but hey thats war.this game has had no expansions
nor a vietnam number 2 ???? that would make my year to see a new addition to this game. all in all anyone looking for a fun shooter should at least try this out, i promise you wont be disapointed. theres alot of fans who play this and have taken the time to make new maps, 129 i beleive for download. go buy this if you can find it. ive seen redux for 9.98 at superstore and thats a good price for hours of extreme fun......enjoy and watch yur six. :)