User Rating: 2.5 | Battlefield Vietnam PC
Before I begin, I preface my remarks by stating that I am an avid player, and huge fan of BF 1942, despite the fact that many would argue that the game hadn't been completed until the most recent 1.6 patch. Two words describe my experience with BF Vietnam - absolute disappointment. If you own an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro you will be disappointed in the most extreme sense of the word. AA and AF do not work at all, even with the new Cat 4.3 driver package, and best semi-playable game resolution is about 800x600 on most maps. Shame on EA and Dice for releasing the most bug-ridden game I have ever had the misfortune to attempt to play. Given the ATI 9800 series has been on the market for quite some time, and works quite well with 1942, this is an inexcusable miasma of ineptitude on the developer's and publisher's part. Absolutely abysmal EA and Dice - I would have rather waited another month or more for the release and received a complete, bug-free, and playable product. As it stands all I have to show for the anticipation and subsequent purchase, are my disappointment, a set of 3 $39.99 coasters and a shiny gimcrack box. Thanks EA - who do I talk to about my refund? Current system: AMD XP 3200+ 512mb (2x256mb) PC3200 DDR RAM nvidia nforce 2 ultra 400 motherboard Sapphire ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128Mb. CL SB Audigy 80gb WD 8mb buffer HDD