A great and sweet reason making any FPS fan want to go back to the war of 69'

User Rating: 9.3 | Battlefield Vietnam PC
A beautiful and great addition to any online gamers collection. This game is great when played competively with many other players, it's like a giant war raging in which you must use stealth, tactics, and firepower to overcome other players. Think CS with vehicles and huge levels. Thats' how sweet this game is.

Already having Battlefield 1942, this game was more of an...expansion for me...at first. Until I played hours after hours with my brother on a LAN line against a bunch of bots. I then realized, it is it's on game. Totally redesigned with some awesome vehicles, boats, helicopters, guns, and not to mention some very well thought out levels.

Tha graphics are nothing short of "certified sick as hell". They do a great job putting you one tha lone boat landing on tha island or tha skilled helicopter pilot with players leaning out the sides firing at ground troops. Textures are some of tha best around and tha character models are even better.

The sounds are great, every gun has its own distinct noise and there is a soundtrack from the 60's included. Featuring "Surfin' Bird, "Sombody to Love", "Really got me" and many more popular songs in the timeperiod. And its great cause its like tha GTA radio in every vehicl and helicopters with "Surfin Bird" add a great effect to the battle and mayhem surrouning the soldigers rifts. Truly amaziing.

The gameplay seems slow at times due to the relativly slow walking speeds of large levels...i can't decide. But the jets still fly by super fast and the copter dog fights are some on the best online action around.

The repetiveness is there, but I still play this game alot and it is some of the best LAN fun. the updates can be hard to get, but at least they still upgrade it every now n then.