User Rating: 9.2 | Battlefield Vietnam PC
Hey you all, this game is friggin excellent. It's easily one of the top shooters of all time. It's a lot different from BF42 in that is much darker. Forget the sunny skies, the uplifting carefree atmosphere that's present while driving your buggy on a suicide run. Now it shall be spent in the bowls of hell, wading through confusing jungle terrain, stalking the enemy. The scenarios so far seem to much smaller than that of the original Battlefield, but, as I've only played a handful of maps over a period of several hours. The darker, more intense campaign has it's benifits, as well as it's sucky points. for one, the combat is far more intense and mind wrenching. On the other hand, the whole carefree feather in the wind fun gameplay of the first game has been replaced by scenarios that have bring what seems to be a small taste of the real insanity of the Vietnam war, with poor vietnamese english spouting propoganda over the loudspeakers in certain areas. This creates a tense and possibly foul experience to the player. That being said, the original was an excellent game, that didn't provoke any emotional connections with the actual WW2, however, this game actual brings a dose of atmosphere that immerses the gamer in ways that BF42 never could. If you are a fan of the original, and can take the darker, more demanding requirements that new, evolutionary gameplay requires, then this game will kick your ass.