Welcome to Battlefield 3!

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 3 PC
Battlefield 3 is finally here and what a blast it is to see the Frostbite engine at work! I'll split this review up in parts, so that you can easely find the information you want about certain parts of the game.

The Campaign
The single-player campaign in BF3 takes some getting used to. DICE really put some work into making this game look and sound as realistic as possible, whilst at the same time coming up with a thrilling story to keep you going. But there is some difficulty problems in there. Sometimes it's too easy and even though you are swarmed with waves upon waves of enemies, you'll still tear them to pieces without problems. But sometimes that changes and you will die all of a sudden, without having done much wrong. DICE has recieved some criticism for the campaign already by gamespot and others, but I don't think that it's so much the quality of the story that's the problem, it's the way it is told. The way of telling this thrilling tale is an allmost complete rip-off of Call of Duty: Black Ops. It's not entirely the same, but it's there.

The Multiplayer
The Multiplayer portion of BF3 is where you really want to go. After all this is what Battlefield has always been about. Huge maps, vehicle combat and engaging modes are all set in action in BF3's multiplayer. There are 4 classes to choose from this time around and they are balanced perfectly.
As an assault you can carry powerful assault rifles, heal your teammates and even revive them with diffibrilators. You can also switch your medpack for an underbarrel grenade-launcher later as you progress. As the engineer, destroying and repairing vehicles is your lifebread. You carry equally powerful assaultrifles, while blasting away with a rocketlauncher or repairing with your tools. The support class have gotten some new toys