CoD games take a few hours to master. Battlefield games takes months to master and requires more skills.

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield 1943 PS3
Battlefield 1943 is either a love it or hate game. But I have mixed thoughts about this game.

*Graphics* 7.0/10- The graphics are good but not great. There are framerate issues but they're VERY rare! They also look fuzzy somtimes. If you're a gamer lookin for a game with realistic graphics, don't look here. Im not sayin its terrible but it ain't great either.

*Gameplay* 8.5/10- This game was a blast to play. If you've ever played any battlefield game, you know they take far more skills to play than CoD games. So if your lookin for your first FPS game, stay away from this and go crawl over to CoD. All the weapons feel just perfect. None of them feel to overpowering or cheap. Sniping in this games takes alot of skills and patience to do. 1 shot kills are very rare unlike in CoD where every shot is a 1 shot kill. So if you're a true sniper, you'll feel just at home here. My only complaint is that IT does get repetitive because of the VERY limited weapon classes. You wont be able to create your own classes, instead you are forced to choose on 3 diffrent default classes (i.e. Sniper, Rifle, Assault). It will be fun for a while though, so dont be discouraged to buy this game. And by a while i mean A LONG TIME. There a vehicles available for you to drive, but i wont say anything cuz I havent used them all that much. So far though, I find it alittle overpowering to drive tanks though, for they are fun as hell to control but sucks when your the when being shot at by a tank. (Compare it CoD5: WaW, remember how cheap the tanks were?) On the other hand, controling Planes was freakin awesome. It does take some time to get used to driving one but its worth all the times you will be crashing into trees, bunkers, etc. In the end, only the strong will survive. And the weak will probaly regret buying this game!
*Presentation* 7.5/10- On the outside, this is another WWII shooter but at the core, this is a game that challenges you and rewards if you put the time and patience
*The Final Score* 8.0/10- This game will shine on FPS fans and will Chew n Spit out the n00bs. It is worth your $15 if your willing to put your time and patience into it. The lack of weapons and classes hurt this game but not badly. This is a must have for any hardcore FPS fans.