
User Rating: 6.5 | Battlefield 1943 PS3
Yes i did find this game enjoyable i wish they cam out with more classes and different maps...Worth buying from PSN. i found people saying a bit too much good about this game. it is a fun game when you lose MW2 or assassins creed 2. Not really re playable after you go through each map 2-3 times. i Like DICE and Battlefield games, i just felt this game let me down... But if you like the old WW2 games and Modern warfare games BFBC2 will be much better as i will review the beta. But if you pre-order the Limited Edition you will receive the Thomson and the M19 Colt.45
For in game Multiplayer..Plus when i first got the game i didn't have a nice 720 or 1080p t.v and i believe the game was for 720- 1080p/ i. And I couldn't read the writing which may be a problem for casual gamers... All in all yes buy it don't hope for the best just hope for a WW2 game that is fun for a couple days or so...