Great batch of games that you can get at a good price now-a-days.... Read on.....

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield 1942 Deluxe Edition PC
Well I picked up this game because I heard it was pretty good. I would have to agree with that. This is a great PC FPS that has one of the best onlines for FPS on PC's. The campaign for this game is fairly long and you can play as axis or allies. Which is really the same campaign just on the other side of the battlefield. Their is some stuff that this game does well and some stuff that arnt to well. I will start with the bad first. One of the bad things that is when you are sniping...... that you have to get a head-shot or they dont die for some unknown reason. Also the AI is really dumb unless it is on hardest mode but it still isnt that great. But what this game does very well is the online aspect. You can play with alot of people at once and it is just a fun experiance. Overall a great game and I recommend it for your collection......