Not that bad, but not that great either.

User Rating: 6.5 | Battle of the Bands WII
I was anxious to play this game, because the idea sounded really cool to me. When I got it and sat down to play it, I had mixed reactions. The idea is awesome: have a bunch of popular songs redone in a few different genre styles, such as hip hop, rock, country, latin, and then go head to head with a band from a different genre than you. As the song plays, it switches from the style of your band, to that of your opponents, and as you hit notes, you get certain powerups and attacks to use against your opponent. It is really funny the first time you hear the songs remixed to match different music styles, and I started laughing several times. The graphics are pretty standard for a wii game. The only downfalls to the game are that there arent that many songs to play, I think there are 20 something or so, so it doesnt last you for very long. Also, the gameplay gets a little reprtitive after a bit. You move the wii remote either left, right, down, or in a stabbing motion to hit the notes, and after a while, it gets a little mundane and old. Also, it might be just me, but i noticed that a lot of times the notes werent really placed in the appropriate place to match the songs, which made it kinda hard to get in the rythym of it. All in all, the game is worth checking out, the price tag and the limited number of songs and playability might prevent people from buying it, but I would say that if you like music games, definitely rent it