Hooray! Blow stuff up! Very clever and funny version adds cartoon violence to the historic board game.

User Rating: 10 | Battle Chess NES
This translation of the ancient strategy game puts the old scheme in a new setting: that of an animated version of a fantasy novel. You'll play as wizard bishops, knights that actually look like such, and so forth.

The fun really begins when you take over a piece's square. Pawns will clunk each other about the shoulders, wizards zap each other with bolts of light, and the queens knock one another's heads off. And hold onto them, put them back, and lose them again. Waiting to see what's the next death scene is almost more fun than making a good move in itself.

Most chess games have you do the same things with the same pieces, all the time. Not this one.

Game designers should think about more things like this. It'll get people interested in things they may have once thought out of their purvey.

This wry comedy take is still a lot more enjoyable to play than anything I've seen since.