Chess with comical animated deaths? Sure, why not.

User Rating: 8.1 | Battle Chess NES
When other people were playing the very first incarnations of Chessmaster I was tapping away on my NES controller on Battlechess. Not only was Battlechess a greet way to learn chess. The game won't let you make illegal moves. Battlechess also won't let you accidently sacrifice your King in some idiotic move because you were not paying attention.
But I digress. I'm getting away from what really makes this a fun game to play. The killing. When a Rook takes the queen he eats her, When a pawn takes a Knight he kicks him in the nuts and stabs him in the face. When the King takes a Bishop? He shoots him!
Anyone who didn't play this game for hours just to see all the different animations was either someone who just doesn't like chess or a pacifist.
When you do eventually get bored with all the cutscenes you can turn them off. The game also has an innovative board editor letting you decide what, where and how many of which pieces go on the board. I recomend against two complete armies of rooks with the animation on. It takes forever.
In closing the only big downside in the game is that since the cpu of the NES isn't PC superior you will be sitting there waiting for the computer to make up it's mind if you pull of a brilliant strategy. Otherwise it's a fun game.