The first game with actual real Strategic battle scenarios

User Rating: 8.8 | Battalion Wars GC
First off, I would like to say that Battalion Wars delivers where it was supposed to. This game is one of the few...The only game that has a belevable fun campaign. It holds true to the advance wars style in terms of a fun quirky style of graphics, and its stereotypical characters. Also the story is the same for the fact that, in the first Advance Wars you battled your closest country blue moon, but you later ally with them, as the same for thise when you ally with the Tundrans. Any way, the story is totally bellivable and fun and intriguing to wacth, becuase you actually get involved in it.I , being a history buff, Like how the game uses correct words for leaders and adds to the realism. For instance the tundrans leader refers to the Russians by calling them Czars'. And Xylvanians are referred to as Kaiser.
This is not the only case either, The Co's are give you intel on what you can and thats what you really have to go by. And They correctly infrom you and tell you when something is happpening .For example they might say "Frontier Command has not authorized any reinforcements". Also on a side note, I'm pretty sure their are links of things from the game to multiple movies. Such as the young russian leader being linked to the russian fighter in the Rocky Movie. You do see him train and actullay fight in the cinematics. Also the other Commander , that is a bit slow, Co Ubel, i think could be linked to Arnold Shcwarzenegger, beucase he refers to becoming the "Govinator" and other reasons. Also, my firend pointed out during a cinematic that is was linked to The second LotR Movie, when Sauron Shows his army that is to conquer helms Deep, The same thing is showed during a cinematic, and the soldiers look so closely resembling Uruk- Hai its really hillarious.Anyway, My point is the game is humurous, and belivable on a wondeful blend.
The controls for controlling your squad isn't so bad at first. The commands seem easy to do and coordinate. But here's a problem, I dont think it is because of poor AI, just the developers made the AI behave that way to make it more challenging, but if you in the heat of battle sorrunded buy your soldiers and tanks, its becomes VERY hard to target the enemy. All you men are in the way and your constantly selecting them when your trying to save as many of them as you can.Now you might think well they guys should shoot them, WROnG! The AI wont even shoot an enemy standing next to him, and shooting at him, only when you target that enmey or put them on sentry mode. And it is especially fustrating when your trying to get a high rank on the mission or your in a critcal part of the mission. But thats my only complaint. I love the fact that you can pause the game and check out the map and scout out all the enemies and their positions, as it completely adds a whole bunch more of strategy to the game. Becuase if theirs a huge line a rocket veterans, you dont want to be driving your tanks throught that line first. And the compass style way you seaerch the map, just make me feel like I'm on the battlefield checking my map and locations. The missions are very realistic and make sense with the story, Such as they explain why your attacking this island, or why your going on a bombing run to destroy the fuel factories. They would say. "Those refineries are the primary line of supply fueling the Xylvanian war machine. And anyone who kows history, knows that that is a perfectly real scenario.
Now moving on to combat and how the untis control. Well the foot soldeirs control perfect, nothing worng their. The tanks have a little prblem for some reason if you target an enemy and stop moving your tank. the bottom part of the tank (not the turret) Will do a slow 180, which makes a problem for when you want to start moving into evasive actions. Planes and helicopters control fine. Bombing is particularilly fun. When you speed up jets, this nice speed affect happens which gives you a sense of real speed.
The missions are easy at first teaching you the ropes. But right after that you will quickly learn every strand of them, becuase you continously be thrown into if you were like me, becuase the fun part about the game is that even thought all their is is campaign mode, you have to reaply the missions to beat them, and you have to do everything right, (or be really good at kiling lots of enemies REALLY fast) or you will suffer severly by probably getting your battalion mowed down fast. Which is waht makes the game funa dn continously challenging.
The graphics for what they are very good, 8x Anti-Aliasing must be on and the game pulls of the cartoony style battlles in such a way they still look really cool and real when the heat starts flying. The sound is good, but i havent really been abel to trun it up real loud, but im gonna give it the benefit of the doubt, becuase nothing really sounds ba or repetitive.
The value of the game is kind of worth like 45$ instead of $50, because it only has a campaign mode and thats it. Only single player, but it pays off for having 4 campiangs in 4 different areas. and then the reaplayablity is high becuase once you beat story you can work on unlocking the 4 bonus missions which let you play as every faction in the game. Example : Mission 1=Tundrans Mission 2:Xylvanians Mission 3:Solanese. And also now you can go back and just have even more fun in each mission buy doing what you want becuase you already one, its just has more fun. The tilt is 10 because it is originail, very fun, humorus, ect.
Bottom line: If your a history buff, or Millitary buff, check this game out. Strategists will enjoy the pcae of the game, And its presentation of cinemtatics and dialouge make the game Enjyable, realistic, and just plane fun. Definlety pick up the game to finish off your GCN collection before the Next Gen Games.
P.S. This game was made in 18 months, when its usually take about doulbe that to develop a game. So excpet the Revolution one to have everyting left out in the first one!