Best Movie tie-in game !

User Rating: 8.5 | Batman Begins XBOX
Batman Begins is an excellent game and is the best movie licensed game to come out on the Xbox.

Uses Fear as a weapon
Stealth mode
Voice actors from the film
Bat mobile Races

Awkward Gliding system
Maybe too easy for most gamers

Graphics :
The graphics are sharp in Batman Begins , there not ground breaking , but they are pretty good . The Levels look as dark and dingy as you would expect from the mean streets of Gotham , and The Model of Batman is awesome , and animates well .
I have encounted a few stages of slowdown during play , but this is only when new halls are loading .

The music is very atmospheric and helps the game experience a lot. Voice action is great and the ambient noises are scary and sound great .

Game play :
It is a great game , and all though it borrows elements from Splinter Cell and Burnout this does not take anything away from a simply awesome story mode. The controls are quite easy to get used to , and the Stealth mode is executed well . The element of using fear to battle enemies is excellent , and offers a unique gaming experience, the game tends to hold your hand throughout the whole story indicating what button to press and where to aim to Grapple , Throw your Baterang and Grab distracted enemies . this system may put off people , but I found it quite useful and does not effect the great experience of the moves of Batman . There are lots of different methods to distract , scare and blind your enemies so the action does not get tiresome. The Bat mobile levels are …dare I say FAST AND FURIOUS , borrowing much from the EA game Burnout Revenge , these levels are quickly over and serve well in breaking up the Stealth action every once and awhile . The game is a very enjoyable experience and very atmospheric and is a great companion for a Batman fan .

These nothing that stands out other than the fore mentioned Graphics sound and game play , the menus are dark and the unlockables include movie content and different outfits for Batman .

Overall Batman Begins is the best Movie Tie-in game in a long time , and is the best Batman game to date , some hardcore gamers might not find it challenging , but this game has a great few hours for some Batman fans or casual gamers . The stealth mode is well done , and is unique for a Superhero game . Pick it up today for a great gaming experience.