The Dark Knight gets his first PS2 movie outing... Does it deliver?

User Rating: 7 | Batman Begins PS2
When talking about franchises, comic book ones especially, it's hard to remember good games based on them. One exception would be the Spiderman games that utilized the sandbox-style of gameplay and delivered a creative, wandering experience. While Batman Begins does hold out on its own, the sandbox-style gameplay seems to be just the thing that this franchise is missing.

Let's start with the gameplay; the main theme of the game is "fear", which you weaponize against your enemies. Say, a thug is holding a Uzi and blocking your way toward your objective; it is wiser to scare him enough before actually engaging him. The developers made sure this was a useful addition rather than something that came secondary to Batman's already wide variety of skills. Also, most of the cast from the movie lend their voices to the game, making it seem as official as movie licenced games get. The graphics are top notch as well.

Now comes the bad part; the repetitive value. Not that the devs didn't look into this matter (you'll find extras such as alternate costumes to sport in the re-run) but the creativity of it all is narrowed to a simple objective and the one way to accomplish it. This game could have borrowed a few ideas of what made the Hitman franchise so famous, or maybe the upcoming Assasins' Creed. The very artistic representation of Gotham City leaves the player aching to wander it, along with the Narrows and the infamous Arkham Assylum. No such freedom is given and that's when the game suffers.

Like Batman Begins took the Batman franchise to new heights and skyscrapers, you'd expect the game to do the same for the comic book movie-to-game universe. Only it doesn't- not in the same way at least. A definite buy for a fan of the Bat, but otherwise rent this game- you'll beat it in 6 hours at the most.