it may not be flawless but it is hell of a good time;)

User Rating: 8 | Batman Begins XBOX
I began playing this,,

when isaw it,,my expectations where low,,cuz games take nfrom movie is not always great,,

thankfully this one is,,thankfully i played it ,,and more,,there are lots of stuff to do,,here

explore nice looking areas,,stealth,,combat ,,puzzles,,exelente,,

textures are nice;),,colors used are alos nice,,music is good and intense;) ,,

options are nice,,cutscenes are good;),,story is ofcourse good;),,

much explorations here,,bad ass voice acting;),,

clever game;),,

,,camera can sometimes be tricky,,also combat,,but otherwise pretty good,,

i'll give tihs gem an 8.0 / 10 ;) ,,

end of log;)) ;p

good time with coke;)),,,

driving sequenses;),,,nice enemies,,,nice use of enivroemtn,,but game ca nlook ugly when u look up close;),,

Levels Are perfectly nice;),,,athmoshpere great;),,,

weapons are good;(),,battling foes is a blast;),,

staying alive is a blast,,cuz ur the bat-guy u know;D

yeah u swim away from those sharks girl,,just kidding;)),,

have a freaking goodtime,,,options menues are good,,

sounds could be better but okay;),,,

batcave,,me outie;p ;),,,..
