User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham City PC
The best thing i can say about Batman: Arkham City, is that it makes you feel Bad-Ass, between amazing fights, slow-mo KO's, supercool gliding around town, and Batmans cruel justice, i can simply say that atm i cant think of any other superhero that will feel this Badass or cool.

The game is Imerssive, its fun, its cool, tons of stuff to do, the side missions dont feel like sidemissions at all - and there is a-lot to do. you even feel like you choose to do certain things even though the game is a linier game and not sandbox.

about the bosses, yes they are pretty easy as said (never died on a boss) but the + Game mode that is unlocked after you beat the game (I didnt yet) is suppoused to give an answer to that - meanning, you get to play the game again - when its hard, without waiting for the gadgets to come overtime, and i think itll rock.