Baseball for the NES was originally a good idea, but slowly it became apparent that it was an unappetizing game.

User Rating: 1.5 | Baseball NES
Everyone knows the sport of baseball, heck, I bet toddlers know what baseball is. Indeed, the sport is so popular that it was made into other sports such as softball and tee-ball for young children. This popularity, however, does not, by any means, imply the fact that any game based on it will be a hit. No pun intendant. Baseball on the NES was, quite frankly, a good idea, but a bad performance.

The first reason why I say this, is because of the controls. Not only are they tricky and inaccurate, but they are poorly coordinated into the gameplay as well. Now I know this is the NES, and it is a primitive system, but that doesn't mean that all the games on it were revolutionary. It's like the Wii. Some games are great, others shouldn't have been coined. And so, I repeat myself in saying that this game was one of the latter.

Slippery and tough-to-master controls weren't the only problem. No, there were many more. One of them would be the music. There was none that I remember. Now, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't played it in a while, but I do believe that there was virtually no music, save for a few jingles here and there for winning and losing. Every game needs music. It helps to further the gameplay. It's like the theme from a jaws movie where the music slowly gets faster and louder to imply danger. A game isn't a game without any music to help it. Yes, in some situations no music is a good thing, but throughout the whole game there was next to none, which was unacceptable.

Now, onto the actual gameplay itself. The gameplay itself wasn't that bad, which is probably why is managed to get a barely "good" score. However, if it had better everything, it would of course have a better rating. The game went generally smoothly, as long as the controls kicked in by some miracle, and the games weren't that hard to win. Again, if the controls kicked in. Overall, I think I won a few more games than I lost, and I enjoyed playing it for a while, but the only thing you could really do in that game was play baseball. I know that's what the game was about, but you couldn't do any customizing, any mini-games, any story mode... it was just playing a game of baseball. Guess what that means?

No replay value. Unless you are literally a diehard fan of baseball and you think that every game made about the sport is a work of divinity, then you won't find this entertaining for long. Heck, I like baseball, I watch it sometimes on TV and live at the games. But hey, this game just didn't cut it. So for everyone that thinks it'll be a great game to play because it's on baseball, think again. I too was excited at the time of its release to purchase it and play some games, but I was quickly let down by poor controls, music, gameplay, and replay value. This game just didn't pique my inner baseball fan.

I honestly don't know how such a game could get such a high rating, but I suppose it could be that everyone thinks that NES had nothing below it so it couldn't be horrible. And yes, I realize that some people may disagree with my review and say I'm disgracing the first games of the world. I'm not. I'm disgracing a single game that wasn't deserving enough of the title "NES game". By all means, the NES was a great system, but not all the games could live up to those standards. Just because the NES was revolutionary, that doesn't mean that all games made for it were as well. This game just sucked the dirt.