B4 you buy/play Baroque, you should know...

User Rating: 8 | Baroque WII
you will have some buyers remorse. But the good thing is, is that as you keep progressing(this game has some pacing issues)the remorse fades away. Ok all in all i took a gamble. I seen Baroque in a big city i was visiting. I was going to buy silent hill origins instead. But i thought, Baroque, made by Atlas(w00t), a game that i kinda had my eye on and i probably wouldn't see this game at my walmart or anywhere near my town. Right off the bat i new that this wasn't going to be my cup of tea. I knew full well it wasn't an turnbased RPG, i knew it was a dugeon crawler(randomly generated DC). I took a gamble and so far im pretty pleased. I think i woulda enjoyed Silent Hill more but this game gets better as you progress.

Wow....long intro. Anyways, im just saying this game has some pacing issues.
I was playing this game and i died and had to start over at lvl 1 again. To me thats no big deal at all but there is this little voice pit in my stomach telling me, you should put the game down do something else. But that happens with most RPGs. So i played Okami for a while, Popped Boroque back in and beat two levels then said this game is definatly getting better. Alls i gotta say is you might wanna rent it b4 you by it. Just remember you should at least progress in the story a little bit before bashing this game to hell.

I give it an 8.