Why Oh why did you let me down Atlus :(

User Rating: 1 | Baroque WII
I'm a fan of the work that Atlus has made. I love the Shin Megami Tense series so much that I have them like trophies in my home. When I saw Baroque I wasn't amazed at the graphics but hey it's Atlus & I know they can't do wrong. OMG I WAS SO FREAKIN WRONG. OK it's a mindless dungeon crawler but some people like that & thats ok. Question would you like it if you're playing a game & you're little brother or sister hits the reset while you're playing, well thats what you get plus a kick to the nuts. You level up by killing enemies but you have something called a vitality meter or VT that goes down while you walk around & fight. When you get hurt the VT will start fillin you're health. When you're VT is gone so goes you're health then when you die not only do all you're items & wepons dissappear but you're level goes back to 1. So I fought & I'm on level 8 & I die, not only do you take my wepons & anything else I have but you take the levels & I have to start over again. Why don't you take my man hood while you're at it. It doesn't matter if it's the PS2 or Wii buy this game isn't worth $40 or $20. Why has Atlus forsaken me? Now don't get me wrong cause I love the work that Atlus has done in the past but I expect better of them. If you want a great RPG from Atlus then here's what you do, wait another week & pick up Persona 3 FES & see what a true Atlus title is if you haven't played Persona 3 yet. If you want your eyes to bleed & you man hood or woman hood taken from you then Baroque is for you (If your'e sick in the head that is) I'm sure this will be the last time I'm let down by Atlus.