Like a more gritty Binding of Issac

User Rating: 7 | Baroque WII

I picked up this game at my local Game City because the premise of having to die to further the plot interested me. But after I started to play the game for a bit I noticed that there was much more to it than that. The best way I can explain it is that it is very similar to the Binding of Issac with the exception that the first room is always the same. The similarities should be fairly obvious to those who have played the Binding of Issac. When you die you start from scratch again and the rest of the floors past the first one are randomly generated with various items you can use to make yourself stronger. That's one of the main allures of both games, the fact that you'll always have something new to find, and something new to say "the frig was that" towards, as there is a lot of messed up stuff in this game. The enemies and some of the Non Player Characters are pretty much all based off of some sort of myth. Whether your talking to the long neck spirit (definitely the strangest) or the collector spirit, you can always expect the cast of the game to say something interesting for you. Another good thing is that they have items simply named Coat, Sword, or Indefinite Box. The Coat will give you a random Coat, the Sword a random Sword, an the Indefinite Box will either explode killing you instantly or give you a random item, it adds another level of chance to the game and if you get good items from these items you can end up becoming very powerful.

Now I talk about the gameplay. Once you get used to the gameplay (pressing A to pause, + and - buttons to sort through or inventory, 1 to throw, and B to attack) it becomes very easy to use, having the inventory at the ready at all times is pretty good once you get to later floors and you have to deal with having too many items and you have just found a powerful sword. That isn't to say when you drop an item it's lost for ever, if you don't like the item you just picked up, simply throw that one away and pick up the one you threw away at first.

So I generally think that this game deserves a bit more praise for the style of gameplay it was going for but at the same time it is a last generation game.