It's not a surprise that this TV based game turned out in mediocrity.

User Rating: 5.5 | Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth PS2
- A good number of playable characters
- Using different elements can be fun
- Decent voice acting

- Gameplay is simply, shallow and not interesting
- Not much enemy variety, almost none proves as a challenge
- Doesn't even capture one single event of the TV series perfectly
- Load times will put some people to sleep

Yet, another bad game based TV series. For those unfamiliar, Avatar: The Burning Earth is based on the second season of the series of Nickelodeon. Aang whose the Avatar must master all four elements and face the fire lord before the end of summer.

The game doesn't tell a single thing well about what is going to happen or what's going on. There are some things which aren't even in the season. There are lots of playable characters in this game, including Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Momo and Appa. These are the main but later in the game there will be others. No need to use more than Aang, since he can do bending with different elements.

Gameplay can be fun for a while, but it's so easy, straightforward that isn't entertaining. Enemies are practically non-existence, though some can take a while to kill. Only bosses are a bit tough, but not to make you panic or something. Still you need to use your head in some of them. The load times are simply awful. When you lose, it takes about 2 to 3 minutes to re-load. It's horrible, and the save times aren't much better. Even initial load times can take forever. The worst thing is that the game doesn't capture the series. At one point you meet Jet, much earlier than the series does.

The cutscenes are accompanied by some excellent voice acting, but the cutscenes seriously need some work. Characters don't take move their mouths, and how some characters behave in cutscenes aren't great. There are some occasional cutscenes which are good.

Background music isn't bad; the voice acting is decent, but graphically not very impressive. There are some bright colors; environments look ok, but certainly nothing to get excited about. Character models look good, but some more effort could have been made on the story.

It's not a good game. If you want to enjoy Avatar, watch the TV series, the story of Avatar is great, entertaining and funny but unfortunately this game captures none of the entertainment found in this series. Fans, just keep watching the series and avoid this game and everyone else shouldn't play this, only for children who are under 10 years old.

Graphics = 6.2
Decent character models and environments but nothing special

Sound = 7.3
Voice acting is good and so is the background noise.

Presentation = 5.2
Some cutscenes aren't great and the load times are truly awful.

Gameplay = 4.9
Way too straightforward, simply and repetitive. But the multiple characters add something to an otherwise bad action.

Camera = 5.6
Suppose its ok. Fixed camera didn't give me any problem.

Story = 3.3
Seriously awful the way it's told. The TV series is much, much better.

Overall = 5.4
Some minor good things save this from staying on the shop's shelves. But it isn't worth it. I got it for €10. But this game isn't worth for that. If you have time and have the chance to get for a few bucks and you're a fan of the series, you can try to overcome the problems. But anyone else, don't play this.