One of the better icebreaker games at parties. Great value too.

User Rating: 8 | AudioSurf PC
The concept behind Audiosurf is simple. Basically it is an interactive visualisation for your music. You load a music file that comes from your library and the game creates a landscape unique to that song. Sounds simple, right?

Well, thats probably because it is. But that's not the point. Audiosurf gives you the ability to immerse yourself in the rhythm of the song and bop your "vehicle" to the music, collecting multicoloured bricks as you go for bonus chain points. Although the only variety in the game is the music library and the different characters, Audiosurf will keep you occupied when you want to chill out or if you have some friends over. It exceeds itself as a party game. Just pass around your air mouse and you are set to go. (air mouse not required, just a luxury)

The online features allow you to automatically post your highscores and look at everyone else's. You then have the ability to comment on the song afterwards and I was pleasantly surprised at how clean the comments are. There are some extra options to view global stats, but nothing that will catch your attention.

For $9.99 out of your credit account and 300Mb of your download limit, you will get this unique package that will keep you occupied during your off hours and at parties. What else can you ask for from a concept that is just a glorified visualisation?