Most Innovative and Inspired game of 2008 to date. Completely unexpected outcome and WAY under hyped. Best $10 spent.

User Rating: 9.5 | AudioSurf PC
Storyline: N/A - N/A

Graphics/Physics: 9 - Beautiful Graphics, Graphics don't change much but who can complain when they look as good as it does.

Sound: 10 - Who can seriously compain with picking your own music.

Environment/Maps: 10 - Enviornment and maps are completely dependent with the beat and speed of the music the user chooses.

Game Engine/Scripting: 8.5 - No bugs other than some songs can't be played due to their length.

Interface: 9 - Unless you can't use a mouse than there shouldn't be complaining, unless your using a laptop with out a mouse......this games worth buying a mouse.

Menu: 9 - Many many options that are user dependant on how one feels. Want to relax? Play slower based. Feeling energetic? Play a faster based. Feel like your on crack? THEY HAVE THAT TOO!

Overall: 9.5 - Most Innovative and Inspired game of 2008 to date. Completely unexpected outcome and WAY under hyped.