Its OK, but don't believe the hype.

User Rating: 6.5 | AudioSurf PC
I like this game, it turns your music into a race track that you play like an old school game and watch racer. Its fun and it kills time. However once your done it doesn't make you feel like other games. Like you have just done something great and fun with your time. Nah just killed some time.

It takes some time for this feeling at times. Even now I still get hooked for about 30 minutes, but unlike say Bullet Candy, its not for an hour or so. The graphics do the job on the tin. Basic- but its very indie. The soundtrack is whatever you want it to be. I would say the Orange Box soundtrack is a great play- if you have the game via STEAM.

I do feel the game is too easy, nothing wrong with that I guess, but it doesn't help the games long term play. I would say this would be a great IPod Wheel game, but EA has that hit with Phase...

I'll leave you with this: Its fun and meh at the same time. -Evil Tree