A fun way to experience your music

User Rating: 7 | AudioSurf PC

Are you looking for an original way of using music ? Well why not riding it ? Audiosurf is your answer .

So what's the point of the game ?

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The game take place on a track who is generated base on the music you want to play on. You can choose the difficulty level by choosing between several ships, each of those ship has an ability who change the gameplay. The main objectif of the game is to collect as many blocks of different colors as possible ,those blocks will be stockpile in column under the ship. When you match 3 or more blocks ,their will desapear and you will gain bonus points for it.

Unlike guitar hero for exemple the way you play will not affect the music at all. At first the game looks like a racing game where you can control the speed but it's not. You do not have any control of your speed ,the speed will depend on the song you choose.

The game doesn't have any level editor but you can load any audio and the game will generate a track for it ,so you will probobly never find the same track twice for two different music.

At the end of each track the game will show you your stats and a leaderboard featuring the top players for the track you just played ,so it brings an interest to players who cares about their score.

Final thoughts :

Audiosurf is a good games because it's made for everybody ,you can surf on any music of your choice , because the game generate tracks based on the music you want to play on you never see twice the same track. The game brings a sence of competition with it's leaderboard system and some diversity with it's few modes. This game is a must have if you are looking for an original way or even have a fun time while listening to your favorite tune.