A hidden gem! Well worth tracking down in the bargain bin!

User Rating: 9.1 | Atomic Bomberman PC
This game came out about 320 years ago, and I was there. I had such high hopes for this title that I tried to start the "Atomic Bomberclan". Unfortunately, the game fell flat. I've never understood why bomberman hasn't had a bigger following over the years. The simplistic gameplay makes it the perfect multiplayer title. Plus, who can't say they don't enjoy blowing stuff up!

It tried hard to capitalize on the classic design of Hudson's SNES Super Bomberman titles, of which I logged many hours with friends. Perhaps why this game is so dear to me, it brings back memories of great joy and happiness.

This game actually had a pretty big budget, and I think Interplay really had it's hopes up on it, but, like so many other titles of the era, it shipped with some major flaws that couldn't be fixed with simple patch downloads as 'downloading' wasn't a big thing, back in the dawn of the interwebs.

Now, so many years later, I still think it's one of the best titles ever. It's worth hunting down if you've ever enjoyed bomberman, or just think the idea of dropping bombs around a 2d maze sounds like fun! Put it on your scavenger hunt list.