Sweet deal from the discount bin! Best side-scroller I've played in a long time!!

User Rating: 8.9 | Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom - Atom Heart no Himitsu GBA
Couldn't put it down after I started. Good combat system (punch, kick, laser, and arm-blast thing), jet boost (dodge) and Great degree of difficulty. You really have to pay attention to whats going on to know when to take the action to the other end of the screen. Nice to actually have skill involved aside from just button mashing. Leveling up abilities is a nice touch too. Story was totally impressive too. There's a fair amount of levels for a action beat em up. You return to previous levels with tweaks to bosses and what not to get through the story. Totally impressed with this game, especially from a discount bin! Great story to appeal to fans, difficulty settings actually mean something (which is nice), and great price!! Highly recommended