Pretty nice game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom - Atom Heart no Himitsu GBA
Astro Boy's back. Boy is his game good. I love playing this game. The story is taken straight from Astro Boy I suppose, and you'll find many of Osamu Tezuka's created characters in this game, whether it be from another anime or not. You have to practically play this game twice in order to truly see the right ending.

This game's pretty fun to play, not to mention hard. But the challenge is pretty welcome as far as games go, wouldn't want this to be a borefest.

Graphics are colorful and vibrant in this game, very nice, Astro Boy's lookin good here.

Sound's also very nice. Punching, kicking, shooting, etc all sound really solid. Music's not too bad as well. Voices in the game are also competent.

Anyways, too lazy to write anything deep and coherent but I'd recommend this game to anyone with a GBA.