AC: Revelations offers the same great package as its predecessors, but with some noticeable flaws.

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed: Revelations PC
What AC: Revelations continues to do well when compared to its predecessors:

-great looking and detailed environments/scenery with great textures
-great intuitive controls
-large world to explore and tackle objectives in the order/direction you choose
-great voice acting and character personalities
-so much else to do after the main story has been completed
-large variety of weapons and combat moves
-different outfits and upgradeable gear
-fun game play
-detailed map with clear navigation
-ability to recruit, train, and send assassins on missions, as well as call them to aid you in battle
-ability to use shops for their designed purpose (e.g. withdraw money from banks, buy maps from the art shops, repair armor and buy ammunition from blacksmiths, buy new outfits or change their color at tailor shops, etc.)
-ability to conquer and free cities from Templar influence, thus allowing you to renovate (invest) in shops, and make money off them

What AC: Revelations improves upon:

-good tutorials to help brush up on your assassin skills
-some new, brutal, and satisfying attacks and executions
-some great new gadgets, such as the hook blade that adds a new element to climbing and combat
-ability to craft and utilize different bombs (grenades) by looting or buying ingredients (e.g. bombs can be used for lethal, tactical, or diversion purposes)
-more specialized enemies with their own strengths and weaknesses (e.g. "bombmen" who throw bombs or marksmen who use long range rifles)

What AC: Revelations regresses upon:

-disappointing story
-"defending your den" mini-game is frustrating and boring
-less forgiving controls, IMO (compared to the past games)
-some animation glitches


AC: Revelations offers the same great package as its predecessors, but with some noticeable flaws. It's not that the story was horrible, but it was more of a let down compared to what one would expect due to the previous games in the series. I found it kind of hard to comprehend and follow because it was quite dull and lackluster. The ending kind of leaves you saying "huh?" and wishing for more. The new RTS minigame where you must defend your captured dens also adds a major blemish to this great franchise's reputation. Personally, I'm not a fan of strategy games, and am surprised they would add something this mediocre into a game of this caliber. It's not fun and it becomes more frustrating the more you have to play it. Luckily, you can take steps to avoid having Templars attack your dens. Also, the new bomb crafting concept is interesting, but I didn't find myself using bombs a whole lot, as I enjoy the sword combat more.

Overall, the game play is still fun and exciting, the missions offer the same great variety, and there is so much to do and see. However, the poor story and mediocre minigame taint this game's excellence and draw away from its amazing roots.