This is a phenomenal stand alone game, and the best in the series

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed III X360
Assassin's Creed III is just a fantastic game. I played the first one, and revelations, but the series never really hit me that hard. For me there was never that click, I never thought Assassin's Creed to be a powerhouse in games. This installment however proved me well wrong. This game is absolutely enthralling with so much to do and amazing battles on sea and on ground. I grew up around Boston and have been many times, and I must say, this representation of its former stature is incredibly done. The vast world and ability to free roam and parkour around it provides an almost endless output to enjoy.
There are however some glitches in movements and climbing occasionally, but this is to be expected. No systems impact engine is perfect and there isn't a single game out there that does not have a glitch or two. Through my playing so far I have not encountered a glitch or problem that has angered me at all. This is truly a fact of the game that should not hinder it's rating in any respect.
For the story and historical context, it is brilliant. I am a historical preservation major in school so obviously I was excited to see what this game did with it. I must say, I am impressed. When they are trying to convey facts or show history, they do it extremely well. Granted it is not all accurate but the way they use their artistic license to bring history into a new light is riveting. It is very refreshing to see a new storyline like this with so much historic background into it.
Lastly there is the multiplayer. There is not much to say other than it is what it is. You go around trying to assassinate a target, hiding from another assassin. As basic as it sounds, it is not. It a very challenging and extremely fun. It provides new challenges every match and is quite addicting. Multiplayer is always a huge part for me in games, and ACIII certainly delivers that for me.
Overall I am extremely impressed with the outcome of Assassin's Creed III. I have been gaming for almost my entire life, and I have a circle of games that I hold to be the best and my favorite (Majora's Mask and the Sly Cooper series etc) and This game I certainly hold up to those respects. It is a phenomenal game that is absolutely worth going out to get (If you can find a copy anywhere). I applaud ACIII on its deliverance of historic truths and expertly done stories. It provides a huge amount of great game play with a ton of replay value, especially in multiplayer. Overall, I would give it a 9.5, simply fantastic.