The only outstanding thing is the parqour.

User Rating: 7.5 | Assassin's Creed PS3
It's funny how much praise this game has gotten. I honestly don't see what is so compelling about it besides the freerunning, big cities, and the decent story.

Gameplay-Assassin's Creed is a action game that mostly revolves around doing assassinations as the name implies. There are three large cities two run around in. That's the best part of the game: running around. You can literally climb any ledge that sticks out more than two inches. There are a ton of tall structures that are a blast to climb, especially the huge cathedral in Acre. The cities are very large, but they aren't very varied in layout; most everything is just a sand tan expanse. The story has you replenishing your rank after making a bad decision that broke the assassin's creed. You have nine assassinations to complete and while they are the best thing to do besides just run and climb, they still aren't very varied and leave you wanting for more. Side missions include collecting flags, killing small targets, and gathering information for your main kill. The story has another deeper twist that I won't tell you about, but i pretty much told you what you do in the game. As you might expect, you get bored pretty quickly. The thing that I don't get is why this game got such good reviews and an extremely similar game in terms of gameplay Spidrman 2, got horrible reviews back in the day. I just don't get it. There is no multiplayer as well.

Graphics-The graphics are very nice looking, albeit the monotone colors and the major framerate issues. These to things drag this catagory down, and it's a shame since, from a standstill, the game really looks great.

Sound- The sound is pretty good with the exception of the voice acting. It is really overdone actually and altair's voice is too American, despite the story. Overall sound is average.

Value-While the single player will take you a while to complete, it really gets repetitive and the story is the only thing that keeps you going. There isn't much replay value either and there is no multiplayer. i wouldn't buy this game, but definitely give it a rent.

It's a shame that this game's hype has gotten it such good praise when really, it is nothing special.