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Weekly Recap: Star Wars Battlefront DLC, Nintendo NX Details, Friday the 13th Game

Here's a roundup of the week's biggest stories and some you might have missed.

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Friday the 13th Game Announced, Dev Promises Blood, Gore, Guts, Brutal Kills: Masked murderer Jason Voorhees is making a comeback in an officially licensed horror game announced this week. Developers are looking for $700,000 on Kickstarter to make it happen. Click through the link to get the full story.

Nintendo NX Details Revealed: According to The Wall Street Journal, Nintendo's mysterious NX system is a console/mobile hybrid that sports "industry-leading" tech. In addition, software development kits for it are reportedly being sent to developers right now, signalling a release possibly in 2016.

Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass, Ultimate Edition Announced: More Battlefront news this week, as EA announced that the sci-fi shooter is getting at least four expansion packs through a $50 DLC pass. In addition, an Ultimate Edition feature the game and the pass is coming. Plus, EA has revealed three new gameplay modes!


In an effort to build a more authentic game, EA developers on the Star Wars Battlefront team attended seminars with Lucasfilm. How cool is that? Get the full story here.

Having sold more than 65 million copies, the Halo franchise is now worth an estimated $4.6 billion, Microsoft has announced. And this is before the release of Halo 5 on October 27. Dang.

This is not a joke. Arma developer Bohemia Interactive bought a tank, a decommissioned T-72. Here are some quick facts, courtesy of Bohemia, while a video follows below.

  • The tank was originally used by the Czechoslovak People's Army and its successors.
  • The tank driving controls have been disabled.
  • The tank's cannon has been disabled and can only be rotated manually (this would normally be machine-operated).
  • The tank needs to be driven at least once a year to keep it operational.
  • The tank can only be transported over public roads during the night and this requires a special permit (in the Czech Republic).
  • You need a special license to drive the tank.
  • The tank has been nicknamed "Edita."

How long of a game is Call of Duty: Black Ops III? According to one recent preview, about 14-15 hours, which seems longer than usual. Of course, play time varies depending on how you play. See more in this video preview from Videogamer.

Decades after its initial release, The Oregon Trail is still making headlines. No, no, no. This is ORGAN Trail. A Complete Edition of the game was released this week, and developers even prepared a pretty cool live-action video. Watch it below.

XCOM series creator Julian Gollop was "outraged" when he heard that the franchise he created was being turned into an FPS with the game The Bureau: Declassified. Get his full quotes here.

Double Fine's Day of the Devs campaign continues for its third year when it's held on November 7. The one-day gathering aims to celebrate the "creativity, diversity" and magic" of indie games. Yeah! Read more about it here.

Here's the official ESRB description for Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Yep, it's an M-rated game for sure!

EA's new mobile game Minions Paradise, based on the hugely popular animated series, is out now. Among other things, it introduces a brand-new character named Phil. Get it today on iOS and Android.

IGN has an excellent, in-depth feature regarding EA's "Player-First" mentality and exactly how that's been fulfilled since CEO Andrew Wilson first revealed the plan. This is a good read.

It's not gaming-related, but it's SO COOL. You need to watch robots play Black Sabbath's "Iron Man." You do.

BlizzCon 2015 is now just a few weeks away...ahh! Now, Blizzard has posted the show's schedule, which includes panels about World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, StarCraft, and lots more.

Mario voice actor Charles Martinet plays Super Mario Maker in this excellent video, making the iconic Mario noises and catchphrases along the way. He then makes his own level himself. This video is pure gold.

Did you know that the Placebo Effect also works in video games? According to Science, it totally does.

Here's a good interview with Eidos Montreal about how they're going about ensuring that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided can appeal to both RPG and shooter fans alike. A tall task, for sure. Watch the interview here.

Even more free DLC is coming to EA Sports' new PGA Tour game, Rory McIlory PGA Tour. The content includes new golfers, courses, modes, and more. Get the full rundown here.

Check out this new Assassin's Creed Syndicate trailer, which highlights the real-world historical figures that will show up in it, like Karl Marx, Alexander Graham Bell, and Charles Darwin. Pretty cool!

GameStop is holding a Halloween Sale to mark the spooky holiday. See everything on sale, games, merch, and more, at the retailer's website.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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