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The Epic Games Store Introduces Its First Achievements

Achievement support has been implemented in one game, with more on the way.


Slowly but surely, the Epic Games Store is attaining feature parity with its direct competitors. Achievement support is on the way next, and an early form of the feature has already been implemented in one game.

There is now a notification and pop-out menu that appears when you unlock achievements in Ark: Survival Evolved. Epic says this is an early version of the feature that will change and evolve over time before eventually making its way into other games. For now, achievements will be tracked in the background while Epic fine-tunes the interface.

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The fledgeling storefront has introduced a number of new features this year, such as wishlists, download throttling, self-service refunds, and support for more currencies. Mod support, gifting, and additional social features top the list of upcoming additions.

Back in June, Epic announced that the store had hit a peak of 61 million monthly users. This followed a promotion where several major games were given to users for free, including Grand Theft Auto V, Civilization VI, and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. Of course, the Epic Games Store is also the only way to play the immensely popular Fortnite on PC, which saw over 12 million concurrent logins across all devices for its "The Device" event. The store is continuing to give away free games every week, too.

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