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Nintendo Switch's Super Mario Odyssey Has A Really Cool Photo Mode

It'll be easy to make Mario look good.


The first original Mario game for Nintendo Switch will include a modern feature we're unaccustomed to seeing from Nintendo games: a Photo mode. While Switch features a button to easily capture screenshots in any game, Super Mario Odyssey will feature a proper Photo mode that allows you to better craft the perfect shot.

This is activated by pressing Down on the d-pad while playing, and it allows you to freely control the camera to zoom in/out and angle it however you wish. It also strips away the HUD so that it doesn't get in your way, though you can add things like the game's logo if you wish. More notably, there are also a variety of filters to apply to give the image a distinct look. These include the ability to blur the image or have it resemble a Game Boy or SNES game. Nintendo says the feature should make it easy to create wallpapers for your computer or phone, and you'll be able to send them out on social media through the system. You can see all of this around the 5:07 mark of the video below.

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Now Playing: Super Mario Odyssey - Getting The Band Back Together Gameplay

If you haven't yet picked up a Switch, Nintendo will be packaging Odyssey together with the system for a special bundle. In addition to getting you the system and game, it comes equipped with special red, Mario-themed Joy-Cons. This will be available on Odyssey's release day, October 27. On that same day, Nintendo will release a Switch carrying case themed around the game.

You can catch up on today's Nintendo Direct announcements with our roundup of all the news and trailers.

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