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Rainbow Six Siege's Operation Chimera And Outbreak Are Live Now On Test Server

You can try out Rainbow Six Siege's new Operators now.


Rainbow Six Siege's latest DLC, Operation Chimera, is available now on the PC version's Technical Test Server. Chimera includes two new Operators, Finka and Lion, as well as a new co-op mode called Outbreak.

The TTS allows PC players to try out the new content ahead of its full release. Ubisoft does warn, however, that "a consistent gameplay experience is not guaranteed on the test server." Operation Chimera will be available to test here until March 2, with the DLC season's full release coming to PC as well as PS4 and Xbox One on March 6.

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Now Playing: Rainbow Six Siege Operation Chimera’s New Attackers

Finka and Lion were revealed in full just a few days ago. The former comes equipped with a stim pen that applies a 20 HP boost to both herself and every teammate for 20 seconds, even reviving any downed allies, wherever they are on the map. In addition, each of the three adrenal surges grants the team a movement and reload speed buff for the same period, as well as a reduction in recoil and resistance to stun effects.

Lion, meanwhile, carries a drone that reveals moving enemies' identities and locations around the map for four seconds, including their exact outlines. The counter is that both teams receive a three second countdown after the drone is triggered but before its x-ray vision comes into effect, allowing enemies to lie still and avoid detection. For more on the new characters, check out our analysis of how Operation Chimera's Lion and Finka will change the Rainbow Six Siege meta, or take a look at Operation Chimera's full patch notes.

Outbreak, meanwhile, is the new alien zombie-based co-op mode. It's only a limited-time event, lasting four weeks from March 6, but it includes plenty of new maps and missions, as well as loot boxes. You can read our preview on how Outbreak is completely different to traditional Siege here.

Also starting March 6, Ubisoft will now give Rainbow Six Siege's 20 base Operators away for free, along with all past and future weapon attachments. Looking further ahead, the company has revealed a new Siege game mode called Pick & Ban that's coming later this year, reaffirmed its aim to eventually reach 100 Rainbow Six Siege Operators, and stated it does not currently plan on making a sequel.

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